Selasa, 01 Juli 2014


Why goat’s milk for dogs?

Source of nutrients and immune system strengthener

There can be no doubt that high-quality goat’s milk is a highly exclusive and cost-intensive component, so that the answer to the question as to why fresh goat’s milk is used in the complete foods, is of great interest for numerous dog owners.
Apart from the fact that goat’s milk already has a long tradition in nutrition of dogs, and here in particular regarding the rearing of puppies, the successes achieved in feeding adult dogs has more than convinced us. Especially with convalescent or more senior dogs, dogs suffering from allergies, and animals with a sensitive digestive tract, the positive nutrition physiological effect has been overwhelming.
Thus the positive properties of goat’s milk (on the one hand a plus of purely natural nutrients and on the other the effect of regenerating the intestinal flora) can also benefit all healthy dogs. This is another decisive contribution to strengthening the immune system through purely natural feeding.
When looking at the general trend, especially in times in which the immune systems of dogs are burdened more and more by chemical compounds for care, medication and. chemical worm treatments, the consideration of these factors within the feeding context is of great significance. Regardless of whether this increased number of measures is sensible or rather places a burden on the animals’ systems, the fact remains that one is presented with a nutrition physiological challenge, which we have to face.
Still, the option of providing an even more intensive support in particularly difficult cases remains. And it can be attained by the additional utilisation of 'fresh goat’s milk', as might be necessary in the case of convalescing or ill dogs.

Why goat’s milk is so convincing within the context of dog nutrition:
Natural source of high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements

Rich in natural Vit A and essential fatty acids
Very good tolerance and palatability
Positive, regenerating effect on the intestinal flora and immune system
Supports the acid-base balance as an alkaline producer

Natural components with a large impact
nutritional prophylaxis with goat’s milk:

As a fundamental principal, one can state that goat’s milk is well-suited and well-tolerated by all dogs. Because of its different composition it displays an even higher level of toleration than cow’s milk, also with adult dogs. In the following we have provided some information on the important connections.

Training of the immune system and nutritional prophylaxis:
- Puppies / young dogs

Natural nutrition right from the outset

The organism’s way of dealing with natural vitamins and trace elements is an important component of the development of a stable immune system and has to be learnt right from the outset. Only the continuous training of the immune system ensures that puppies can become healthy and stable adult dogs.

However, if the organism is confronted with synthetic vitamins and trace elements right from the day of birth, the natural regulation mechanisms frequently cannot develop sufficiently and the immune system remains susceptible its whole life long.
This is why fresh etawa goat milk relies on a natural nutrition right from the outset, and goat’s milk can play an important role in the course hereof.

-Adult dogs

Resistance by means of natural nutrition

The similar situation also applies for adult dogs. Time and again situations arise in which the immune systems are placed under severe stress because of illness, chemical measures, worm treatments etc.. For this reason it is also important to take precautionary steps with adult dogs and to utilise the natural regulation mechanisms offered by natural nutrition that contains absolutely no synthetic additives. Here too, a functional immune system is trained, which is placed in a position of warding off the unavoidable burdens with a greater resistance.

Good digestion and precautionary care for the intestinal flora :
-Puppies / young dogs

Goat’s milk is base-producing and thus contributes to a healthy acid-base balance. In addition to this the fat globules are small and thus more easily digestible.
Another great advantage is the high content of free peptides (linkage of numerous amino acids) and amino acids (building blocks of proteins). These properties have a highly positive effect on the gastro-intestinal tract.
Also with ß-lactoglobulin, which is relatively hard for puppies to metabolise, the process is significantly simplified when goat’s milk is given.
Please do bear in mind that the intestinal flora of a puppy also has to develop in the same way as the puppy itself. Especially in this regard goat’s milk has a very convincing effect on the puppies’ still unstable digestive activities.

-Adult dogs

The good digestive properties of goat’s milk, coupled with the intestinal flora developing effect, not only strengthens the digestion itself, but apart from creating a buffer for difficult times, also e.g. subsequent to chemical worm treatments, it can help to once again rebuild a healthy intestinal flora.
Since the centre of the immune system is to be found in the intestinal tract, this means that a healthy intestinal flora always implies a strong immune system. For this reason Fresh two etawa  believes that the best approach to ensure and promote the health of dogs is natural feeding and NOT supplements of synthetic digestion aids or exotic herbs and plants.

Allergies, Reconvalescent Dogs and Seniors:
-Puppies / young dogs

Not only does the training of the immune system by means of purely natural nutrition that contains no synthetic vitamins or trace elements reduce the tendency to suffer from allergies. It is also known that only 3% of the highly allergy-triggering protein Alpha-s-1-casein is contained in etawa organic goats’ milk. What is more, fresh 2 etawa goat’s milk contains absolutely no synthetic additives, so that here too the tendency to suffer from allergies can be reduced. Especially with puppies it is of great importance to make every effort to avoid hyper-sensitization.

-Adult dogs

The low-allergy fresh 2 etawa goat’s milk can successfully be used as a supplement to the complete foods range for dogs suffering from allergy symptoms or digestive problems; those who are recovering from a severe illness and/or operation or simply are no longer the youngest. The duration of the supplementary feeding depends on the individual. We would be happy to advise you in this regard.

Fresh etawa goat’s milk with regard to rearing

As the first natural nutrition for puppies, Mother Nature intended milk, which is provided by the mothers. For this reason milk is, and always will remain, the first choice in the rearing of puppies. With regard to its composition, this milk is always aligned to the individual needs of the puppies and there simply is nothing more natural than mother’s milk. Unfortunately, however, time and again situations do appear (rearing motherless puppies, large litters), in which an alternative has to be sought. In these cases, fresh 2 etawa goats milk recommends the usage of goat’s milk.

Why is goat’s milk so good for puppies?
-Dog’s milk contains a high degree of protein and in particular fat, which cannot be substituted to the same degree by any other milk. When compared with cow’s milk, goat’s milk has a higher degree of fat which is very good for puppies, when considered from a nutritionally physiological point of view. What is more, the shares of natural vitamins and minerals, and here in particular the Vit A and calcium share, is considerably higher than that of cow’s milk. It is because of these reasons that the rearing results of goat’s milk appear to be so convincing.

-For many decades already, when rearing the puppies of herd guarding dogs, goat’s milk has traditionally been used as a substitute for dog’s milk. Also in daily practice, goat’s milk is tried and proven for the rearing of motherless puppies and as supplementary nutrition with larger litters.

-Growth, immune system stability and the digestion of puppies that were fed with goat’s milk could be influenced in a highly positive manner.

-Goat’s milk contains fewer allergens than cow’s milk and has a highly positive, regenerating effect on the intestinal flora.

Areas of use for goat’s milk, with regard to rearing

Traditional for
rearing of puppies:

For many decades already, goat’s milk has successfully been used as substitute milk for the rearing of guardian dogs. Frequently this was the only possibility of rearing the puppies during the day, as the mother was away, guarding herds. These experiences have been passed on from generation to generation. Even today goat’s milk is used by the farmers for rearing the young of their guardian dogs.

Currently for
the rearing of zoo animals:

In the laboratory, one noted that the proteins (number and structure of the amino acids) and fatty acid composition of the goat’s milk displayed the highest degree of similarity to the mother’s milk of wild animals such as lions, polar bears and wolves. This recognition also makes goat’s milk highly interesting in the rearing of motherless young animals in zoos. Hence, for many years already, the usage of goat’s milk is recommended. This has also been confirmed by the extremely good rearing results of the young zoo animals. Thus, for quite some time already, because of the exceptional success of goat’s milk, more and more frequently goat’s milk is preferred over the usage of industrially manufactured puppy milk.

Sensational for the
rearing of motherless puppies:

More than convincing was also the Etawa fresh goat's milk advised usage for the rearing of motherless puppies and the rearing of puppies that were born under very difficult circumstances. Motherless puppies of the animal care foundation Fuerteventura were reared with great success by using fresh goat’s milk. When looking at practical factors such as growth, immune system stability and also the digestion of puppies, those that were fed with industrially manufactured milk, displayed a significantly lower level of success than the puppies that had received goat’s milk.

Vitamins and minerals
The natural vitamin structure of goat’s milk is very similar to that of dog’s milk. What is of importance within this context is particularly that the goat’s milk does not only contain the provitamins of vitamin A, the so-called carotenoids, but also the readily available vitamin A. This correlates with the high share of Vit A contained within mother’s milk and promotes healthy growth and development.

Careful! Puppies’ milk that has been enriched with synthetic vitamins immensely burdens especially the puppies’ metabolism!
Here you can find out more on the dangers of synthetic vitamins and the clear benefits of natural vitamins.

OriginFields of application

 The goat’s milk used by etawa goat is obtained from animals in organic farm. The etawa fresh goat’s milk does not contain any synthetic additives or antioxidants.
In breeding and rearing
* for motherless puppies
* with larger litters
* for reconvalescence of the mother dog
widely applicable also for
* reconvalescent adult dogs
* dietetic with senior dogs
* for the formation of intestinal flora with dogs suffering from allergies


100% fresh etawa goat’s full milk
Does not contain any synthetic additives
Copyright by FRESH 2ETAWA  GOATMILK - Susu kambing surabaya

Updated in july 2013


Susu yang tidak dapat dicerna oleh anjing adalah susu yang berlaktosa seperti susu sapi segar ataupun produk sampingannya. Laktosa adalah gula susu yang merupakan salah satu komponen khas dalam susu bersama dengan trigliserida (lemak susu) dan kasein (protein susu). Kandungan laktosa sekitar 4,6% dalam susu. Untuk mencerna laktosa maka pencernaan harus menggunakan enzim laktase yaitu salah satu enzim pencernaan yang diproduksi oleh sel-sel di usus kecil yang bertugas memecah gula susu menjadi bentuk yang lebih mudah untuk diserap ke dalam tubuh. Sayangnya, pencernaan yang dimiliki oleh anjing tidak dapat memproduksi enzim ini sehingga laktosa tidak terurai, butiran laktosa akan tertinggal di muka lubang usus halus dan menyerap banyak air dari sekitarnya sehingga menimbulkan diare. Ada kalanya sebelum keluar, ia tertahan di kolon dan diurai oleh bakteri penghasil gas (CH4, CO2, H2). Akibatnya, perut menjadi kembung, nyeri lambung, hingga diare.
Ada beberapa pencernaan anjing yang akhirnya menjadi kebal terhadap laktosa. Anjing tidak mengalami diare ataupun perut kembung. Hal ini bukan berarti baik karena pencernaan anjing mengalami gangguan yang tidak terlihat sehingga fungsi kerjanya menurun. Anjing tidak dapat mencerna dan menyerap nutisi dengan maksimal sehingga harus diberikan makanan dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak daripada yang seharusnya. Akibatnya anjing akan kehilangan berat badan dan malnutrisi.
Jadi, apakah pemberian susu harus dihindari?
Setiap jenis susu pasti mengandung laktosa, tetapi ada susu yang mengandung laktosa sehingga dapat dikonsumsi oleh anjing. Susu berlaktosa yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh anjing adalah susu yang mengandung protein alpha S1-casein yang rendah yaitu susu yang berasal dari hewan kambing. Diluar negeri, susu kambing memang sedang ditingkatkan dan dipromosikan karena tidak menimbulkan efek samping yang merugikan seperti susu sapi. Di Indonesia memang tidak sulit untuk mencari susu kambing karena kita JUAL SUSU KAMBING ETAWA SEGAR BUAT ANJING DAN KUCING tidak perlu khawatir karena kami produsen susu kambing etawa segar sudah menyiapkan susu bebas laktosa untuk anjing dan kucing sehingga anda dapat memberikan susu kepada anjing dan kucing kesayangan anda  tanpa menyebabkan anjing dan kucing anda mengalami diare.

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